Lineja Enterprises

Rating :

Project Budget : Rs. 2,500,000

Rs. 2,500,000



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01 Project


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Project Introduction

Lineja Enterprises entered the market with an innovative product to tackle the issue of water wastage. Lineja’s founder Thanuja Samarawickrema was able to invent a portable car wash machine which uses a significantly less amount of water when compared with a traditional car wash. According to her while a traditional car wash uses approximately 120 litres to wash one car her machine is able to do this with only 20 litres of water. Her innovation is placed at a number of leading supermarket outlets and other premises. Operating under the slogan “save time, save water”, her future plan is to expand her operations by introducing her machine to apartment complexes and other suitable locations


Ajit Gunewardene
Chandula Abeywickrema
Upul Daranagama
Gamini Saparamadu
Sudharshan Ahangama

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